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Company Profile


o2si was organized in 1997 with the idea that there was a better way to provide calibration standards to the environmental industry. This better way focused on supplying custom, made to order standards at prices and turnaround times comparable to off the shelf suppliers. Concentrating superior technical skills with world-class customer service has allowed o2si to make that idea a reality and become a leader in the environmental standards industry. This commitment to excellence has driven our growth into expanded markets, including organic and inorganic calibration standards, innovative laboratory products and specialty reagents and solutions. Across the globe, o2si is recognized as a leader in these product areas.

We believe that our distinguishing characteristics are our desire and ability to provide individual technical assistance and solutions to our customers. While our recently renovated and expanded facility and state of the art instrumentation and robotics are essential to our efforts, it is the dedication of our highly trained staff, however, that makes the difference. Every day they to bring to bear all available resources to provide smart solutions to your laboratory needs.